Remember: Your child can take part this month in Reflections, an exciting competition sponsored at the local, county, state, and national level through PTA, encouraging more than 300,000 kids each year to express their creativity, with the potential to win prizes and recognition. Read more below in our second edition of Upon Reflection: Literacy, Arts and ESS.
This year, the student-selected theme for Reflections is: I Will Change the World By… . Students are encouraged to create submissions of original art responding to the theme in one or all of six genres: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. There are no limits regarding submissions by genre. The new ESS deadline for submission is Monday, November 29, and all submissions, including visual art work, must be e-mailed to reflections@esspta.org. Submissions from ESS in each genre will be selected to advance to the county level, and from there, select works will advance to the state and then national levels. Winners are recognized with prize monies and opportunities to participate in travelling exhibitions, as well as the distinction of being in a juried competition. ESS judges will be drawn from the local artistic and literary community and announced later this month, and work by all participants will be exhibited by ESS online. We can’t wait to experience your creativity, Pandas! Download application form, explore submissions by last year’s awardees and watch this video to learn more.
Questions? E-mail our Reflections Chairperson, Mark Sylvester, at reflections@esspta.org.